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Why do you need Facebook Connect addon?
How to attract new visitors to your store, make your brand more recognizable and increase social activity? All this can be done with our CS-Cart Facebook Connect addon. The module allows to increase sharing and site traffic, to boost fans and followers on the most popular social networks like Facebook.
Let's look in detail at the addon. The addon has two types of options: addition functionality for detailed product page and facebook social plugins via cs-cart block manager. You can use facebook "Like" button and "Send" button bellow product's title and facebook "Comments" as a separate tabs on detailed product page. The module supports 9 facebook social plugins such as "Like Box", "Like Button", "Send Button", "Subscribe Button", "Facepile", "Comments", "Activity Feed", "Recommendations Box", "Recommendations Bar". Any of the facebook social plugins can be used on any webpage that supports block system. The addon has an intuitive and easy interface, which means you can use it with maximum comfort and convenience.
CS-Cart Facebook Connect is a necessary and useful addon that should be used on every website. Your customers and visitors get the opportunity to tell their friends and relatives about the products and services they bought or plan to buy from you, and it’s worth a lot. Do not miss this opportunity to expand your audience.
If you buy this addon you are not spending money, you are investing it into your store. No doubt it's a good deal!
- Supports facebook "comments" on product page
- Supports facebook "like" and "send" buttons on product page
- Supports 9 facebook social plugins
- A must-have addon for every ecommerce website
- New! Facebook login functionality
- Each of the social plugins available via block manager
- Any of the social plugins can be placed on any page in the block
- Uses hook system to integate with product template
- Doesn't affect CS-Cart core files
List of social plugins