License agreement
Please read carefully the information below. Your purchase or use of our products (software and other digital products) implies that you have read and accepted these Terms of Agreement.
CartTuning allows you to use templates, addons, modules and other software products purchased through the website (the “products”) on a non-exclusive basis for an unlimited period of time.
License Types
CartTuning offers the following license types at your option:
a) Standard license
You have the right to use each individual product only once either on a single website (commercial, personal, or non-profit) or single website for a client (commercial, personal, or non-profit) or single intranet site project. You have to purchase the same product again in order to use it on another website or project.
b) Ultimate license
You are allowed to use any product purchased through CartTuning on 5 websites (commercial, personal, or non-profit) or 5 websites for clients (commercial, personal, or non-profit) or 5 intranet site projects.
You are authorized to make any necessary modifications to the purchased products to fit your purposes. In case of any modifications, you modify anything you take all the responsibilities for the modification affects.
You may remove the bottom link “Designed by CartTuning”, “Developed by CartTuning” or “Powered by CartTuning” from your purchased products. However, you are not authorized to paste “Designed by”, “Developed by” or any related phrases instead.
Unauthorized Use
You shall not directly or indirectly license, sub-license, sell, resell or provide for free any of our products, modified or unmodified, or offer to provide above activities without prior written consent from CartTuning, nevertheless you can charge your client for your service of creating the shop for the client using our software products. You also shall not reproduce, decompose or incorporate the products in other software. You may install and use the products on other domains only in the case of the purchase of Enterprise license or when separate Standard licenses were obtained for them.
You are not authorized to remove, hide, modify or make barely visible any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices contained within any part of the products without a prior consent. No products, modified or unmodified, can be made part of a portfolio without backlink to
You acknowledge that any rights granted to you constitute a license and not a transfer of title. You do not claim ownership right or intellectual property right to any of the products, modified or unmodified, by using them.
Limitation of Liability
In no event will CartTuning be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages of any type related to or arisingfrom the use of or inability to use the products, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, lost savings or loss of programs or other data, even if CartTuning is expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.
CartTuning reserves the right to change or modify the License Agreement with no prior notice.